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khillan bhardwajkhillan bhardwaj 

Salesforce1 Publisher Action Submit Button Hidden

I have a custom Vf page publisher action,
User-added image

My objective is to hide/ rename "Save" button.

I have used following code. by following code "Save" button is enabled and we can perform any javavascript action.But i want to hide/rename "Save" button in salesforce1.
<script type='text/javascript' src='/canvas/sdk/js/publisher.js'></script>
    <script> Sfdc.canvas.publisher.subscribe({name: "publisher.showPanel",onData:function(e) {
                Sfdc.canvas.publisher.publish({name:"publisher.setValidForSubmit", payload:"true"});
        Sfdc.canvas.publisher.subscribe({ name: "",
        onData: function(e) {
            //alert("any javascript call");
            Sfdc.canvas.publisher.publish({ name: "publisher.close",payload:{ refresh:"true" }});

If someone has any idea please let me know.Help is really appreciated.


James LoghryJames Loghry
Khilan, did you happen to figure this one out yet? 
Magnus Kreth TrailblazerMagnus Kreth Trailblazer
Hi Khillan,

I believe there is not immediate way to achieve this. What you could do however is to hide the quick action header by setting the showQuickActionVfHeader attribute of your apex:page to false and to render your own header instead.
