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Suggestion Box Issue


In the suggestion Box App Project , in Reports and dashboards module, even though i created the report "Suggestions: By Status" , at the time of verify step it still says "Suggestions: By Status report wasn't found". 

Please let me know if there's already a know issue..Thank you
The report must be saved in "Unfiled Public Reports" folder
Yes the report was saved in "Unfiled Public Reports" only but still it's throwing me an error..
Freya M CrawshawFreya M Crawshaw
Hi Dharanesh - Did you manage to fix this? I have the same issue with the report saved in the Unified folder, i can view the dashboard and the report type but Trailhead doens't seem to be picking it up?

Hi Freya,

After trying many options the only way i was able to fix this is by deleting the Created Report and Dashboard (deleted from recycle bin as well) and then created new ones again and it worked this time..

Thank you
I had this same problem, and tried the same solution. Even after emptying the Recycle bin, logging out of the trailhead playground and opening it from scratch, I  had problems saving the items because the names ran afoul of validation rules for unique report/dashboard names. By slightly altering the API name, I got around the validation issue and was able to pass the challenge. 
Gowri KaranamGowri Karanam
Well, i was stuck with this issue for about a month and solve it just today. I saved the report as "By Status", Instead, i tried saving it as "Suggestions By Status" as displayed in the error message for the challenge and it worked!!!! In the instructions, I recall it mentioning to save the report as  "By Status" however, looks like the app tests for a report named "Suggestions: By Status"... try it...
Mohammed MasoodMohammed Masood
The 'Suggestions: By Status' report wasn't found.