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Checkedone is not working with a wrapper class
I have a list of checkboxes in a wrapper class/pageblocktable that I want to limit the user to only choose one box.
Below is my script
This automation is working great if I assign the checkbox to the records id and not the selected element:
but when I use the selected element of the wrapper class the automation does not work.
How do I change my function to control cp.selected, or change my wrapper class to process when the checkbox is selected? Below is my visualforce page and apex class
Thank you for your help
Below is my script
function checkone(cb,conid) { var inputElem = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i=1; i<inputElem.length; i++) { if(inputElem[i].id.indexOf("checkedone")!=-1) { if(inputElem[i].name! { inputElem[i].checked=false; } } } }
This automation is working great if I assign the checkbox to the records id and not the selected element:
<input type="checkbox" name="{!}" id="checkedone" onclick="return checkone(this,'{!}')" />
but when I use the selected element of the wrapper class the automation does not work.
<input type="checkbox" name="{!cp.selected}" id="checkedone" onclick="return checkone(this,'{!cp.selected}')" />
How do I change my function to control cp.selected, or change my wrapper class to process when the checkbox is selected? Below is my visualforce page and apex class
<apex:page standardcontroller="App_Matrix__c" extensions="ApplicationDefiner" tabStyle="App_Matrix__c" sidebar="false" showChat="false"> <script> function checkone(cb,conid) { var inputElem = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i=1; i<inputElem.length; i++) { if(inputElem[i].id.indexOf("checkedone")!=-1) { if(inputElem[i].name! { inputElem[i].checked=false; } } } } </script> <apex:sectionHeader title="Application Solution"/> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Select Primary Application" mode="view"> <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton value="Process Selected" action="{!processSelected}" rerender="resultTemtbl" /> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:pageblockTable value="{!CProduct}" title="Select Primary Application" var="cp" id="pbselecttbl"> <apex:column headerValue="Primary Application" width="50px"> <input type="checkbox" name="{!cp.selected}" id="checkedone" onclick="return checkone(this,'{!cp.selected}')" /> <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="{!}" id="checkedone" onclick="return checkone(this,'{!}')" /> --> </apex:column> <apex:column value="{!}" headerValue="Name" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Condition_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Condition" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Condition_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Condition" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Shape_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Shape" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Shape_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Shape" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Defect_Description__c}" headerValue="Sort Criteria"/> </apex:pageblockTable><br/><br/> </apex:pageBlock><br/><br/> <apex:pageBlock title="Template ID" mode="view" > <apex:pageblockTable value="{!Configuration}" Title="Template ID" var="cp" id="resultTemtbl"> <apex:column value="{!}" headerValue="Template ID" width="30px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.Base_Model__c}" headerValue="Base Model" width="30px"/> <apex:column value="{!}" headerValue="Name" width="40px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.Condition_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Condition" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.Condition_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Condition" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.Shape_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Shape" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.Shape_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Shape" width="60px"/> <apex:column value="{!cp.Defect_Description__c}" headerValue="Sort Criteria"/> </apex:pageblockTable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>Apex Class:
public with sharing class ApplicationDefiner { public ApplicationDefiner(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { oid =[SELECT id from Opportunity WHERE id =:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('oppid')].id; } id oid; public List<cCustomer> cpList {get; set;} public List<App_Matrix__c> aplist {get; set;} Boolean cpprimary; List<Customer_Product_Line_Item__c> selectedCpli = new List<Customer_Product_Line_Item__c>(); Public Map<string, App_Matrix__c> apmap = new Map<string, App_Matrix__c>(); Set<String> cpset = new Set<String>(); Set<String> cpprimaryset = new Set<String>(); public List<cCustomer> getCProduct() { cplist = new List<cCustomer>(); for(Customer_Product_Line_Item__c c: [select id, Combo__c, Name, Customer_Product__r.Name,Condition_1__c, Condition_2__c,Shape_1__c, Shape_2__c,Defect_Description__c, Opportunity__c from Customer_Product_Line_Item__c where Opportunity__c =: oid]) { cplist.add(new cCustomer(c)); } return cplist; } public PageReference processSelected() { for(cCustomer cCon: cplist) { if(cCon.selected == true) { selectedCpli.add(cCon.con); } System.debug('#####'+cCon.selected); } System.debug('These are the selected Contacts...'); for(Customer_Product_Line_Item__c con: selectedCpli) { cpset.add(con.combo__c); system.debug(con); } system.debug(cpset); cplist=null; return null; } public List<App_Matrix__c> getConfiguration() { aplist = new List<App_Matrix__c>(); for(App_Matrix__c ac: [select Name, Base_Model__c,, Condition_1__c, Condition_2__c,Shape_1__c, Shape_2__c,combo__c,Defect_Description__c from App_Matrix__c where combo__c in: cpset]) { aplist.add(ac); System.debug('%%%%%%%%%%id'; } return aplist; } public class cCustomer { public Customer_Product_Line_Item__c con {get; set;} public Boolean selected {get; set;} public cCustomer (Customer_Product_Line_Item__c c) { con = c; selected = false; } } }
Thank you for your help
Please modify below code and set all other check box as false when user will select any new check box.
<script type="text/javascript">
function selectAllCheckboxes(obj,receivedInputID)
var inputCheckBox = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0; i<inputCheckBox.length; i++)
inputCheckBox[i].checked = obj.checked;
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>
Please let us know if this will help u
Amit Chaudhary