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Checkedone is not working with a wrapper class

I have a list of checkboxes in a wrapper class/pageblocktable that I want to limit the user to only choose one box.

Below is my script
function checkone(cb,conid)

   var inputElem = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    for(var i=1; i<inputElem.length; i++)

This automation is working great if I assign the checkbox to the records id and not the selected element:
<input type="checkbox" name="{!}" id="checkedone"  onclick="return checkone(this,'{!}')"  />

but when I use the selected element of the wrapper class the automation does not work.
<input type="checkbox" name="{!cp.selected}" id="checkedone"  onclick="return checkone(this,'{!cp.selected}')"  />

How do I change my function to control cp.selected, or change my wrapper class to process when the checkbox is selected? Below is my visualforce page and apex class

<apex:page standardcontroller="App_Matrix__c" extensions="ApplicationDefiner" tabStyle="App_Matrix__c" sidebar="false" showChat="false">
function checkone(cb,conid)

   var inputElem = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    for(var i=1; i<inputElem.length; i++)

    <apex:sectionHeader title="Application Solution"/>
<apex:form >

    <apex:pageBlock title="Select Primary Application" mode="view"> 
           <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton value="Process Selected" action="{!processSelected}" rerender="resultTemtbl" />
       <apex:pageblockTable value="{!CProduct}" title="Select Primary Application" var="cp" id="pbselecttbl">

       <apex:column headerValue="Primary Application" width="50px">

       <input type="checkbox" name="{!cp.selected}" id="checkedone"  onclick="return checkone(this,'{!cp.selected}')"  />
       <!--    <input type="checkbox" name="{!}" id="checkedone"  onclick="return checkone(this,'{!}')"  />  -->
           <apex:column value="{!}" headerValue="Name" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Condition_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Condition" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Condition_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Condition" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Shape_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Shape" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Shape_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Shape" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.con.Defect_Description__c}" headerValue="Sort Criteria"/>
    <apex:pageBlock title="Template ID" mode="view" >  
       <apex:pageblockTable value="{!Configuration}" Title="Template ID" var="cp" id="resultTemtbl">

           <apex:column value="{!}" headerValue="Template ID" width="30px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.Base_Model__c}" headerValue="Base Model" width="30px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!}" headerValue="Name" width="40px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.Condition_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Condition" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.Condition_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Condition" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.Shape_1__c}" headerValue="Primary Shape" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.Shape_2__c}" headerValue="Additional Shape" width="60px"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cp.Defect_Description__c}" headerValue="Sort Criteria"/>


Apex Class:
public with sharing class ApplicationDefiner {

    public ApplicationDefiner(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
  oid =[SELECT id from Opportunity WHERE id =:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('oppid')].id;


    id oid;
    public List<cCustomer> cpList {get; set;}
    public List<App_Matrix__c> aplist {get; set;}
    Boolean cpprimary;
    List<Customer_Product_Line_Item__c> selectedCpli = new List<Customer_Product_Line_Item__c>();
    Public Map<string, App_Matrix__c> apmap = new Map<string, App_Matrix__c>();
    Set<String> cpset = new Set<String>();
    Set<String> cpprimaryset = new Set<String>();

    public List<cCustomer> getCProduct() {
            cplist = new List<cCustomer>();
            for(Customer_Product_Line_Item__c c: [select id, Combo__c, Name, Customer_Product__r.Name,Condition_1__c, 
                    Condition_2__c,Shape_1__c, Shape_2__c,Defect_Description__c, Opportunity__c from Customer_Product_Line_Item__c where Opportunity__c =: oid]) {

                cplist.add(new cCustomer(c)); 
        return cplist;

    public PageReference processSelected() {

        for(cCustomer cCon: cplist) {
            if(cCon.selected == true) {


        System.debug('These are the selected Contacts...');
        for(Customer_Product_Line_Item__c con: selectedCpli) {
        return null;

    public List<App_Matrix__c> getConfiguration() {
            aplist = new List<App_Matrix__c>();
            for(App_Matrix__c ac: [select Name, Base_Model__c,, Condition_1__c, Condition_2__c,Shape_1__c, Shape_2__c,combo__c,Defect_Description__c from App_Matrix__c where combo__c in: cpset]) {


        return aplist;

    public class cCustomer {
        public Customer_Product_Line_Item__c con {get; set;}
        public Boolean selected {get; set;}

        public cCustomer (Customer_Product_Line_Item__c c) {
            con = c;
            selected = false;

Thank you for your help

Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please check below post. I hope that will help u

Please modify below code and set all other check box as false when user will select any new check box.

<script type="text/javascript">
        function selectAllCheckboxes(obj,receivedInputID)
            var inputCheckBox = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
            for(var i=0; i<inputCheckBox.length; i++)
                    inputCheckBox[i].checked = obj.checked;
 <apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>

Please let us know if this will help u

Amit Chaudhary
Thank you Amit for the post. Unfortunately the links and the javascript does not correct the problem.  When I make the changes, the I can select more than one record in the list.