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Christopher McGeeChristopher McGee 

Lightning process builder creating duplicate records


I've recently set up a couple of processes in saleforce that seem to be creating multiple flow interviews and in turn duplicate records. The general set up is as follows:

1) I create a new Case Record Type and Layout
2) I create an email template.
3) I Create an email template to be used in an alert for users when a Case is  created and assigned to them if it is of the new type.
4) I create and activate an email alert that uses the template.
5) I set up a workflow rule that uses the email alert when a Case is created and assigned to a user if it's of the new Record Type
5) I create a Lightning process that fires when an Account is updated to meet a set of criteria. When it fires, it creates a new Case and assigns it to the owner of the Account. In turn this fires the email alert.

What's happening is it appears to be firing twice - creating two Flow Interviews and subsequently creating two new Case Records and sending two email alerts.

I haven't been able to pick this apart or find any related known issues at least for the Process Builder. I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.
Agustina GarciaAgustina Garcia
Remember that Process Builder will be executed behind the scene and it could be call twice withour your knowledge.  For intance, your process builder is executed everything the account is updated. But the final action updates again the Account, because of that, process builder could be executed again.

Could it be your case somehow? There is a checkbox and if you don't check it, it will not call the execution more than once.

User-added image

Hope this helps.