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Galeeb SKGaleeb SK 

Create Attachments

How to create the Attachments through triggers? please explain with proper scenario! 
salesforce mesalesforce me
// Trigger to update the Attachment__c custom checkbox field in Custom Object(Custom_Obj__c) if it has any attachment.
            trigger TiggerName on attachment (after insert)
                        List<Custom_Obj__c> co = [select id, Attachment__c from Custom_Obj__c where id =: Trigger.New[0].ParentId];
                                    co[0].Attachment__c = true;
                                    update co;
gayatri sfdcgayatri sfdc
 Usually we can’t create a trigger in the Salesforce user interface for certain objects like Attachment, ContentDocument and Note standard  objects.So, alternatively we can use Developer Console or the IDE. 

Please find below example:(if you wanna write trigger on Attachment object)

trigger AttachmentTriggerDemo on Attachment (before insert) {
    List accountList = new List();
    Set accIds = new Set();
    for(Attachment att : trigger.New){
         //Check if added attachment is related to Account or not
         if(att.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Account.SobjectType){
    accountList = [select id, has_Attachment__c from Account where id in : accIds];
    if(accountList!=null && accountList.size()>0){
        for(Account acc : accountList){
            acc.has_Attachment__c = true;
        update accountList;

Please find below example (if you wanted to create an attachment on  some other objects DML operation )

String encodedContentsString = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('fileContents');
Id accountId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('accountId');
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(encodedContentsString);
attachment.Name = String.valueOf('test.txt');
attachment.ParentId = accountId;
insert attachment;

Keep learning :)