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How to write trigger to copy all existing record to another object:urgent
Hi Friends
I have facing a challenge long time but i am not getting the solution.
I have two custom object.(object1 and object2).
object1 have some reocrd where in object2 there no record initially.when i am creating record or updating record it will be papulate all record of object1 to object2 .
like if object1 have recrod
3---300-----3/2/2010........when i am updating record on 1---100-----1/2/2010 to 1---500-----10/2/2010 on object1
it will be papulate in object2 like
3---300-----10/2/2010........means it will papulate all existing reccord with updated date field.if i am upadting again with same date it
will be updated on same record.if i am creating record with diffrent date means date not same as before it will be again papulate all existing field with updated date field..
like when i am updating record on 1---100-----10/2/2010 to 1---1000-----15/2/2010 on object1
it will be papulate in object2 like
i ahve created a trigger but it will be created or upadted only one record which i am creating
I have facing a challenge long time but i am not getting the solution.
I have two custom object.(object1 and object2).
object1 have some reocrd where in object2 there no record initially.when i am creating record or updating record it will be papulate all record of object1 to object2 .
like if object1 have recrod
3---300-----3/2/2010........when i am updating record on 1---100-----1/2/2010 to 1---500-----10/2/2010 on object1
it will be papulate in object2 like
3---300-----10/2/2010........means it will papulate all existing reccord with updated date field.if i am upadting again with same date it
will be updated on same record.if i am creating record with diffrent date means date not same as before it will be again papulate all existing field with updated date field..
like when i am updating record on 1---100-----10/2/2010 to 1---1000-----15/2/2010 on object1
it will be papulate in object2 like
i ahve created a trigger but it will be created or upadted only one record which i am creating
trigger UpsertMasterNew on Debtors_Ledger__c(after insert,after update) { Set<Date> dateSet = new Set<Date>(); for(Debtors_Ledger__c debtor : { dateSet.add(debtor.DailyUpdate__c); } List<MasterCopy__c> allMasterData = new List<MasterCopy__c>([Select Name,Date__c,Group__c,Master_Code__c,Master_Name__c,Credit__c,Debit__c from MasterCopy__c where Date__c IN : dateSet]); Map<Date,MasterCopy__c> masterDataMap = new Map<Date,MasterCopy__c>(); for(MasterCopy__c masData : allMasterData){ masterDataMap.put(masData.Date__c,masData); } List<MasterCopy__c> insertMasterList = new List<MasterCopy__c>(); MasterCopy__c master; for(Debtors_Ledger__c debtor :{ if(masterDataMap.containsKey(debtor.DailyUpdate__c)){ masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c).Master_Code__c= debtor.Name; // masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c).Name + ' ' + masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c).Credit__c= debtor.Credit_formula__c; masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c).Debit__c= debtor.Debit_formula__c; masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c).Group__c= debtor.Group__c; masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c).Master_Name__c= debtor.Debtor_Name__c; masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c).Date__c = debtor.DailyUpdate__c; } else{ master = new MasterCopy__c(); master.Master_Code__c= debtor.Name; master.Date__c = debtor.DailyUpdate__c; master.Master_Name__c= debtor.Debtor_Name__c; master.Credit__c= debtor.Credit_formula__c; master.Debit__c= debtor.Debit_formula__c; master.Group__c= debtor.Group__c; insertMasterList.add(master); } } insertMasterList.addAll(masterDataMap.values()); upsert insertMasterList; }it will be papulate like thiss....
All Answers
It seems you use Date__c as key in masterDataMap. In Mastercopy__c, there are multiple records with the same Date__c.
In Line 18, you loop through Debtors_Ledger__c to get the date, then use containKey method to get the mastcopy__c in masterDataMap. This will only get the first matching mastercopy__c record. That could cause only one record is updated.
Specifically, masterDataMap.get(debtor.DailyUpdate__c) only returns ONE record.
You may need to loop through masterDataMap inside Debtors_Ledger__c loop (line 18) to update the information.
In addition to that, you can also use system.debug(masterDataMap.values()); to check the actually value for each data record.