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Chandrasekar SoundianChandrasekar Soundian 

Using Single Online/Offline button for multiple skills in Live Agent

I have configured 2 live agent skills. I want to display a single online/offline button in our communities page. Clicking on the online button, a pre-chat for opens which has First Name, Last Name and Products drop down. Based on the product selected in the drop down, the chat should be routed to the respective skill agent. 
The routing based on the product selected is working fine. But, how to display one single button to show online, if agents in any one of the skill is available online?
If this is not possible out of the box, can a custom button be created to show online, if agents in any one of the skill is available online?
Sandeesh Phulkar 16Sandeesh Phulkar 16
Did you find any solution for this ?

I have a solution that I wanted to share. It has taken a bit to get here. 

You can use the "fallback" option found late in the developers guide. My steps were:
  1. Create a "catch-all" live agent button. I add all profiles that will have access to live agent. Use this button as the one actually displayed on your website. This is the best optoin I have found with this concept to control the display of your chat presence. This will not actially be the button/skill the visitor will chat to. the following steps will override the catch-all button.
  2. Create buttons for each skill/department you want to route to
  3. Create a pre-chat form. This form should have a select picklist with options that look something like this:
    Department: <select name="liveagent.prechat.buttons">
    <!-- Values are LiveChatButton and/or User IDs. -->
    <option value="573D01234567890">Billing</option>
    <option value="005D01234567890">Sales</option>
    <option value="005D01234567890">Support</option>
    See the developers guide for more detail on creating a prechat form.
  4. You are done!
One potential issue with this method is that a skill in the picklist may not be available. Either this will be acceptable for you or you can use the method of specifying 2 values, A primary and the "fallback" which this sample in the developer guide is really meant for.