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Re-rendering removing SVG-USE tags from Visualforce page with SLDS
I'm using Salesforce Lightning Design System with a Visualforce page and using <svg> tag to get SLDS Icons on Page header and Buttons. Initially on page load all works fine but when I try to re-render any <apex:outputPanel> that have <svg> icons inside it, on complete of rerendering it vanish my all <svg> icons.
I tried to debbug it by Inspect element in chrome and found after re-rendering any block my <svg> icon tags are not there.
anyone else experiencing this issue?
Any advise or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using Salesforce Lightning Design System with a Visualforce page and using <svg> tag to get SLDS Icons on Page header and Buttons. Initially on page load all works fine but when I try to re-render any <apex:outputPanel> that have <svg> icons inside it, on complete of rerendering it vanish my all <svg> icons.
I tried to debbug it by Inspect element in chrome and found after re-rendering any block my <svg> icon tags are not there.
anyone else experiencing this issue?
Any advise or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Refer to this URL:
Just set your apex:page attribute docType="html-5.0" and this will fix the rerender SVG bug