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Darryl Hany
Integrating External Data trailhead problem
I am trying to complete the challenge of the Integrating External Data challenge, and am hitting an 'interesting' problem. I believe I've gone through all the steps correctly, but an getting the error below:
The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object.
When I go do External Objects/phones/edit UUID I can see the UUID field definition. I have numerous times clicked on Change FIeld Type/Indirect Lookup Relationship/Related to User/Target Field Phone_UUID__c/Next/Save. Each time I go though that when I get to the Target Field value the value is set to --None--. It's acting like it forgets that I gave it a value. That would explain the error message
Any ideas as to how I can get around this?
The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object.
When I go do External Objects/phones/edit UUID I can see the UUID field definition. I have numerous times clicked on Change FIeld Type/Indirect Lookup Relationship/Related to User/Target Field Phone_UUID__c/Next/Save. Each time I go though that when I get to the Target Field value the value is set to --None--. It's acting like it forgets that I gave it a value. That would explain the error message
Any ideas as to how I can get around this?
I really dislike magic.
Update any existing User record in your Developer Edition instance to have a value of '0000123442' for the 'Phone_UUID__c' field.
Regarding the last step about to ""Update any existing User record in your Developer Edition instance to have a value of '0000123442' for the 'Phone_UUID__c' field" is a bit tricky as the field is set as Unique. Only one user record can be updated with the specified value.
Yes, you would be correct. Thankfully, the challenge asks you to only update one user record with that value.
It's been years since I've looked at this Trailhead module, so take my response with a grain of salt.
Take a look here step by step guide to complete this module here:
I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.
Ajay Dubedi
Given Brief SOlution