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Tanuja J
Update Contact Address with Account address when a link is pressed
Hi Guys,
Requirement: Update Contact Mailing address with Account Address when a link is clicked in contacts pagelayout
What I have done: I have created a link in contact (when clicked it update the mailing address of contacts with accounts Updated address).
Execute Javascript with the code
callback = sforce.apex.execute("MyWebService","myMethod",{billingcity:'{!Account.BillingCity}'},{billingCountry:'{!Account.BillingCountry}'},{billingState:'{!Account.BillingState}'},{contactId:'{!Contact.Id}'});
if(callback== 'OK'){
alert('Error:' + callback);
And Have written an Apex code :
global class MyWebService {
/* webservice static void myMethod(String billingcity, String billingCountry, String billingState,Id contactId ){
Contact con = new Contact(Id=contactId,
mailingState =billingState);
update con;
// webservice static void updateContact(Id contactId ){
webservice static void myMethod(Id contactId ){
List<Contact> conList = [select id, Account.billingcity,
From Contact Where id=:contactId ];
Contact con = new Contact(Id=contactId,
mailingState =conList[0].Account.billingState);
update con;
It gives errors and not updating the address.
Please help.Though the code looks small I am unable to debug where I am going wrong.
Error message is:OnSuccess not defined in the callBack.
Please help
Doubt:Cant I use synchronoue or asynchronous ajax tool method..
I have also tried
// identify the record
//var o = new sforce.SObject("Contact");
//var a= new sforce.SObject("Account");
var result = sforce.connection.query("SELECT "c.accountId " + "FROM Contact c, c.account a");
// make the field change
c.mailingState =c.account.billingState;
// save the change
//refresh the page
Error for this code is :Unexpected token illegal.
Requirement: Update Contact Mailing address with Account Address when a link is clicked in contacts pagelayout
What I have done: I have created a link in contact (when clicked it update the mailing address of contacts with accounts Updated address).
Execute Javascript with the code
callback = sforce.apex.execute("MyWebService","myMethod",{billingcity:'{!Account.BillingCity}'},{billingCountry:'{!Account.BillingCountry}'},{billingState:'{!Account.BillingState}'},{contactId:'{!Contact.Id}'});
if(callback== 'OK'){
alert('Error:' + callback);
And Have written an Apex code :
global class MyWebService {
/* webservice static void myMethod(String billingcity, String billingCountry, String billingState,Id contactId ){
Contact con = new Contact(Id=contactId,
mailingState =billingState);
update con;
// webservice static void updateContact(Id contactId ){
webservice static void myMethod(Id contactId ){
List<Contact> conList = [select id, Account.billingcity,
From Contact Where id=:contactId ];
Contact con = new Contact(Id=contactId,
mailingState =conList[0].Account.billingState);
update con;
It gives errors and not updating the address.
Please help.Though the code looks small I am unable to debug where I am going wrong.
Error message is:OnSuccess not defined in the callBack.
Please help
Doubt:Cant I use synchronoue or asynchronous ajax tool method..
I have also tried
// identify the record
//var o = new sforce.SObject("Contact");
//var a= new sforce.SObject("Account");
var result = sforce.connection.query("SELECT "c.accountId " + "FROM Contact c, c.account a");
// make the field change
c.mailingState =c.account.billingState;
// save the change
//refresh the page
Error for this code is :Unexpected token illegal.
Can you try the below:
All Answers
var result = sforce.connection.query(
"SELECT billingcity, billingcountry, billingstate " +
"FROM Account Where Id IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id = '{!Contact.Id}')");
var accs = result.getArray("records");
if (!accs || !accs.length) {
alert("No Account found");
} else {
var acc = accs[0];
var ctc = new sforce.SObject("Contact");
ctc.Id = "{!Contact.Id}";
ctc.mailingCity = acc.billingcity;
ctc.mailingCountry = acc.billingCountry;
ctc.mailingState = acc.billingState;
var updateResult = sforce.connection.update([ctc]);
if(updateResult[0].success === "true"){
} else {
alert("Error: " + updateResult[0].errors.message);
Can you try the below: