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somasundaram ssomasundaram s 

best web service method

  In my application,if i call the same method to connect different web services , will it affect the performance? The number of connection to web service per day may exceed 2000 times and we are using unlimited version.Shall i keep seperate method to connect each web service? which is the best way to do web service? please advise.
Josip Juric87Josip Juric87
The bottleneck in this case should not be Salesforce, but the other webservice, since it's being called and needs to handle all the requests. For Salesforce it does not matter if you are calling the same method or different methods, every call is a http-callout, and SF should be able to handle it.
somasundaram ssomasundaram s
         Thank you very much for your quick reply, i used to get lot of issues in other technology if the number of connection increases, you mentioned that SF should not have problem. Is it due to MVP Architecture?
My previous SF integration is with minimum number of callout per day. But in the current project it may go upto 2000 connections per day.
thanks again.