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Peter BenderPeter Bender 

trailhead "creating lightning component" module is missing steps


First, the "Creating Components" module seems like it is incorrect / out of date, as it does not mention anything about a lightning page, which is required before you can build a tab. The "create a tab" section doesn't say anything about creating a page first - I had to figure that out by myself.

Next, I have created a tab, and put my new page in the tab, and the tab does appear in Salesforce1. However, I need to include my component on the page, but my new custom component (configured in this same module) does not appear in the list of available custom components in the app builder.

Is there a more accurate training module for this topic?
Matthew StroudMatthew Stroud
Go to Lightning Components and make sure Enable Lightning Components in Salesforce1 (BETA) is checked.  You will get a prompt you have to accept if it is not. 

User-added image
Jeff LupJeff Lup
"Enable Lightning Components in Salesforce 1 (BETA)" is not an option in Winter 16, assumably because it is enabled by default.  But the Lightning Component Tabs is not an option on the Custom Tabs page.  Is there anything else I need to do to enable this option?  It is still a choice on Summer 15 boxes, just not Winter 16.
Matthew StroudMatthew Stroud
@Jeff Lup, my dev environment hasn't been upgraded to Winter 16 yet.  I thought that might be the case for Peter as well.
Jeff LupJeff Lup
I just found it.  As of Winter 16, you have to enable My Domains in order to use components.