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Errors for App used to integrate with ERP system

Hello, I'm an admin looking for some feedback on issues listed below relayed to me by a developer for an app installed in our sandbox. If anyone can offer feedback as to what the issue might be I would greatly appreciate it. Our IT director was able to get issue #1 to work yesterday, but not today. Issue #2 has not worked since the most recent install of the app with coding changes. Is this an http vs hhtps issue, etc? Thank you!

1st Issue
1. To interact with GloivaG2, webservice call needs to be made from Salesforce. These webservice are hosted on a IIS server.
2. The screen shot shown below is to launch GloivaG2, apex class method makes a web service call to an asmx web service to get Session Id.
3. Once the session Id is obtained from gloviaG2, method launches the gloviaG2 with session Id as one of the parameter. Getting session id is to be validate the user.
4. If the webservice call fails you will see the error message shown below. As the webservice is being called from,  the site hosting the web service is the Remote Site.
5. The Remote Site is added to the list of remote sites and port 80 should be open for the access (since http is being used.) recommends to have https. 

2nd Issue
1. Add To Sales Order button when clicked calls a gloviaG2 REST based service.(Http request)
2. The service call to this is also failing as we are getting return status code of 500 (Service Unavailable)  or 400
3. The name of the site hosting the service is added to Remote Site Settings.  As Http protocol is used port 80 should be open.

Here at Glovia G2 we have service which is open to public and is using https and all the above works ok.