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Ramu Veligeti 5
SOQL query with datetime failing in Winter 16
When trying to execute the below SOQL query in Anonymous window under developer console, the query is failing with some Oracle exceptions. Based on the error, I can understand that this has to do something with datetime fields, so when I remove Call_Back_Time__c from the where clause of the query it executes fine. And the same SOQL executes absolutely fine in Summer 15 sandbox org.
List<Work_Item__c> wi = [Select Id, Priority__c, Response__r.Contact__c, Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c, Response__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c from Work_Item__c where Status__c = 'New' and Delivery_Mode__c = 'Call' and Response__r.RecordType.Name = 'Business Response' and Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c = false and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c != NULL and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c = false and Call_Back_Time__c != NULL and Call_Back_Time__c <= and ownerId = '005q0000001JFyJAAW' order by Call_Back_Time__c limit 1];
System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c", "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9, t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?
14:11:43.102 (102006532)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[26]|Bytes:2473
14:11:43.102 (102053402)|METHOD_EXIT|[8]|01pq0000000Ad4T|WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem()
14:11:43.102 (102068549)|SYSTEM_MODE_EXIT|false
14:11:43.102 (102162687)|FATAL_ERROR|System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c", "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9, t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?
List<Work_Item__c> wi = [Select Id, Priority__c, Response__r.Contact__c, Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c, Response__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c from Work_Item__c where Status__c = 'New' and Delivery_Mode__c = 'Call' and Response__r.RecordType.Name = 'Business Response' and Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c = false and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c != NULL and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c = false and Call_Back_Time__c != NULL and Call_Back_Time__c <= and ownerId = '005q0000001JFyJAAW' order by Call_Back_Time__c limit 1];
System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c", "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9, t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?
14:11:43.102 (102006532)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[26]|Bytes:2473
14:11:43.102 (102053402)|METHOD_EXIT|[8]|01pq0000000Ad4T|WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem()
14:11:43.102 (102068549)|SYSTEM_MODE_EXIT|false
14:11:43.102 (102162687)|FATAL_ERROR|System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c", "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9, t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?
I think there are 3 options:
1) Open a case with Salesforce and ask them to run a 'scrutiny' on the sandbox org to check for bad records
2) Try to find the bad records on your own and fix them
3) Refresh the sandbox and see if the problem goes away.
If it turns out that there's some other problem going on, like a Salesforce bug, then #1 will be the fastest path to resolve that, too.
All Answers
I didn't see any known issues specific to this in Winter '16, but it is a fairly common error.
I think there are 3 options:
1) Open a case with Salesforce and ask them to run a 'scrutiny' on the sandbox org to check for bad records
2) Try to find the bad records on your own and fix them
3) Refresh the sandbox and see if the problem goes away.
If it turns out that there's some other problem going on, like a Salesforce bug, then #1 will be the fastest path to resolve that, too.