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Koustubh Kulkarni
Forgot password Link to the community(via mail) returning wrong community URL?
I am new to salesforce. I have a community for my users in sandbox.Community is in the preview mode.The login to the community site is working just fine, i can login to the community with the test user's credentials.The problem is when a user forgets their password and tries to reset it. It sends an email to the user with the template assigned to the Forgot Password community setting. The email template includes the {!Community_URL} merge field. Ideally the email received contains a link to the page with some type of reset token as a parameter(your_community_domain/communitiy_name/login?c=TOKEN),and it should be redirected to the change password page. But When the user clicks on the above link, it gets redirected to the link (your_community_domain/communitiy_name/secur/forgotpassword.jsp?r=some token) which redirects to login page and thus there is no way for them to reset their password. Interesting thing is as community is in preview mode ideally it should not be sending any forgot password mails, but in this case it is sending mail with wrong url.
So what should I do to fix this issue? Any kind of help will be appreciated.Thanks.
So what should I do to fix this issue? Any kind of help will be appreciated.Thanks.
We have this problem too. We have a controller for user registration which is exhibiting two different problems:
1. We're using Site.createExternalUser (<user sObject>, <account ID>, <password>, <send email flag = false>). Despite setting the send email flag to false as per the documentation, an email is still sent to the user.
2. The email sent to the user after registration contains a link to the wrong community's login page.
The only workaround I can figure out is to send a custom email to the user, but the user is now receiving two emails upon registration. The one coming from Salesforce is incorrect and seemingly can't be disabled. The custom email is correct.
Any ideas?
Please check if API only is checked in profile or any permission set assigned to the user under administrative Permissions make sure to uncheck that this worked in in my case, let me know if this works for you.