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Barani ArumuganBarani Arumugan 

Could not able to verify the Organization-Wide Email Addresses in Sandbox

Hello All,

We created alias email for sending out the welcome email to the customers, added the particular email to Organization-Wide Email Addresses and verification emails is not coming after 4-5 days. Still we are waiting for it. Is there any other alternate way to verify that?
Hi Barani,

Please check the Spam and Trash folder too. Sometimes salesforce emails just moved to these folders. Let me know, if it helps you.

Barani ArumuganBarani Arumugan
I checked with that too, not came. Sometimes it took 2-3 days to come, but this time after 5 days i have't get mail from salesforce.
Ellie Rogers 4Ellie Rogers 4
360 verify the Email address is the best tool for validating the email address. The process is very simple, as soon as you enter an email address and save it, the email address is verified. 
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