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Abraham kumar
Test class not having enough code coverage
HI All,
Please help me for test class for the below Trigger im getting just 62% coverage
Please help me for test class for the below Trigger im getting just 62% coverage
trigger ContactTrig on Account(after update) { List<Contact> ListContact = new List<Contact>(); Set<ID> acctIds = new set<ID>(); for(Account acct : { if(Trigger.oldMap.get( != acct.Name){ acctIds.add(acct.Id); } } if(acctIds.size() > 0){ for(Contact con : [SELECT id,Email,FirstName,LastName,phone,Title__c,Account.Name,status__c, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IN : acctIds AND RecordTypeid = '034D0000000CVERt']) WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(con.Id,con.Email,con.FirstName,con.LastName,,con.Title__c,con.Account.Name,con.status__c); } } }My Test class is as below please let me know what im missing
@istest public class ContactTrig2TestClass{ static void Accountcreate(){ Account c =new Account(); c.Name = 'Testcon'; c.Type = 'Agency'; insert c; c.Name = 'Testcontract'; update c; } }
Please try after adding @istest for the method Accountcreate like this:
Please let me know if you face any issues and mark this answer if it helped you.
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Please try after adding @istest for the method Accountcreate like this:
Please let me know if you face any issues and mark this answer if it helped you.
This worked
Just would like to know how by just adding @istest to method is it working? while other test classes work without it ...
Many Thanks
You can declare test methods in two ways: or
So, if you are using the testMethod keyword, you dont require the @istest annotation. Hope this answered your query.