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Richard LulenskiRichard Lulenski 

Trailhead Go-Pro Contest for Dreamforce2015 Attendees

Does anyone have any specifics about how they are collecting these? Do I have to register somewhere? Do I HAVE to use the same username and email I used for the Dreamforce registration? It is confusing since it keeps telling you to make new DEs, am I supposed to use only one Trailhead account and a bumch of DEs? How do I make sure I used the correct credentials?
Best Answer chosen by Lauren Grau
Lauren GrauLauren Grau
Hi Richard, thanks for your question! You don't have to register for the contest, but yes, it does make it easier for us to map your Dreamforce registration to Trailhead usage if you use the same email address. When you create new DEs, ideally you should use the same email address, but create a different username for each account.  For example, I use the same email to create my accounts, but the usernames might look like:

We also know who used Trailhead at Dreamforce, so if you used a different email address for Trailhead vs your Dreamforce registration, we'll also include you in the contest.

If you think you used an email address that wouldn't be on the Dreamforce registration list, then email me and I can add you manually. Hope this helps! Happy trails!

All Answers

Lauren GrauLauren Grau
Hi Richard, thanks for your question! You don't have to register for the contest, but yes, it does make it easier for us to map your Dreamforce registration to Trailhead usage if you use the same email address. When you create new DEs, ideally you should use the same email address, but create a different username for each account.  For example, I use the same email to create my accounts, but the usernames might look like:

We also know who used Trailhead at Dreamforce, so if you used a different email address for Trailhead vs your Dreamforce registration, we'll also include you in the contest.

If you think you used an email address that wouldn't be on the Dreamforce registration list, then email me and I can add you manually. Hope this helps! Happy trails!
This was selected as the best answer
Richard LulenskiRichard Lulenski
Hello, Thank you very much. I have been going through the Trailhead and now have 18 badges. Can you please check that you will find my records under the email That is the address that showed up on my Dreamforce registration. My certification reminder email go to I am currently using the username for my trailhead account. The email on that account is Richard Lulenski