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Sucharita Nandan
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: All the expected custom fields for the Campsite__c object could not be found.
In this challenge you will build a custom schema to track campsite data. In order to do this, you need to create the ability for many users to reserve many campsites. This will require a many-to-many relationship between the campsite, the users and the reservations.Create an object with 'Campsite' as the Label and Object Name. The object must have the resulting API name of 'Campsite__c'.
The Name field for Campsite must be a Text type (not Auto Number).
Add a custom field to Campsite with the type 'Text Area (Long)' with the field name and label of 'Description'. The resulting API name should be 'Description__c'. The field should have the default character length of 32,768.
Create an object with the Label 'Campsite Reservation' and Object Name of 'Campsite_Reservation'. The resulting API name should be 'Campsite_Reservation__c'.
The Name field for Campsite Reservation must be a 'Auto Number' type (not Text). Use 'CR-{0000}' as the display format for the Name field and a starting number of 1.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Lookup' related to the 'User' object with the field name and label of 'User' and Child Relationship Name of 'Campsite_Reservations'. The resulting API name should be 'User__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Date' with the field label 'Start Date' and name of 'Start_Date'. The resulting API name should be 'Start_Date__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Date' with the field label 'End Date' and name of 'End_Date'. The resulting API name should be 'End_Date__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Master-Detail' related to the 'Campsite' object with the field name and label of 'Campsite' and Child Relationship Name of 'Campsite_Reservations'. The resulting API name should be 'Campsite__c'.
i have created required field for Campsite__c object, is there something wrong?
The Name field for Campsite must be a Text type (not Auto Number).
Add a custom field to Campsite with the type 'Text Area (Long)' with the field name and label of 'Description'. The resulting API name should be 'Description__c'. The field should have the default character length of 32,768.
Create an object with the Label 'Campsite Reservation' and Object Name of 'Campsite_Reservation'. The resulting API name should be 'Campsite_Reservation__c'.
The Name field for Campsite Reservation must be a 'Auto Number' type (not Text). Use 'CR-{0000}' as the display format for the Name field and a starting number of 1.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Lookup' related to the 'User' object with the field name and label of 'User' and Child Relationship Name of 'Campsite_Reservations'. The resulting API name should be 'User__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Date' with the field label 'Start Date' and name of 'Start_Date'. The resulting API name should be 'Start_Date__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Date' with the field label 'End Date' and name of 'End_Date'. The resulting API name should be 'End_Date__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Master-Detail' related to the 'Campsite' object with the field name and label of 'Campsite' and Child Relationship Name of 'Campsite_Reservations'. The resulting API name should be 'Campsite__c'.
i have created required field for Campsite__c object, is there something wrong?
Have you provided the field level security and visibilty to all the fields?
I have checked FLS for Campsite__c field Descriptios__c, it was hidden. Now I have solved it.
That's great. As a best practice, if any post helps, mark it as best answer so it will help others in future.
I am encountering the same error. Below is the field accessibility for CampsiteDescription - can you give me a hint as to what to change or try / check next please? My screenshots look the same as above for the 2 custom objects, and their related custom fields.
You need to check the field level accessiblity of all the fields of Campsite Object.
All the expected custom fields for the Campsite_Reservation__c object could not be found... I have read and looked up info on the problem however still no luck.. not sure what the problem is.