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Sucharita NandanSucharita Nandan 

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: All the expected custom fields for the Campsite__c object could not be found.

In this challenge you will build a custom schema to track campsite data. In order to do this, you need to create the ability for many users to reserve many campsites. This will require a many-to-many relationship between the campsite, the users and the reservations.Create an object with 'Campsite' as the Label and Object Name. The object must have the resulting API name of 'Campsite__c'.
The Name field for Campsite must be a Text type (not Auto Number).
Add a custom field to Campsite with the type 'Text Area (Long)' with the field name and label of 'Description'. The resulting API name should be 'Description__c'. The field should have the default character length of 32,768.
Create an object with the Label 'Campsite Reservation' and Object Name of 'Campsite_Reservation'. The resulting API name should be 'Campsite_Reservation__c'.
The Name field for Campsite Reservation must be a 'Auto Number' type (not Text). Use 'CR-{0000}' as the display format for the Name field and a starting number of 1.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Lookup' related to the 'User' object with the field name and label of 'User' and Child Relationship Name of 'Campsite_Reservations'. The resulting API name should be 'User__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Date' with the field label 'Start Date' and name of 'Start_Date'. The resulting API name should be 'Start_Date__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Date' with the field label 'End Date' and name of 'End_Date'. The resulting API name should be 'End_Date__c'.
Add a custom field to Campsite Reservation with the type 'Master-Detail' related to the 'Campsite' object with the field name and label of 'Campsite' and Child Relationship Name of 'Campsite_Reservations'. The resulting API name should be 'Campsite__c'.

i have created required field for Campsite__c object, is there something wrong?campsite object
Keena FloodKeena Flood
Hi Sucharita can you provide a SS of the Campsite Reservation object details also please?
Sucharita NandanSucharita Nandan
Hi Keena, Campsite Reservation object
Hi Sucharita,

Have you provided the field level security and visibilty to all the fields?

Sucharita NandanSucharita Nandan
Thanks Neetu,
I have checked FLS for Campsite__c field Descriptios__c, it was hidden. Now I have solved it.
Hi Sucharita,

That's great. As a best practice, if any post helps, mark it as best answer so it will help others in future.

Debbie SchultzDebbie Schultz
Neetu & Sucharita,
I am encountering the same error.  Below is the field accessibility for CampsiteDescription - can you give me a hint as to what to change or try / check next please?  My screenshots look the same as above for the 2 custom objects, and their related custom fields.
User-added image
Hi Debbie,

You need to check the field level accessiblity of all the fields of Campsite Object.

Debbie SchultzDebbie Schultz
Sorry all, I think I got it - syntax is important when checking answers for trailhead apparently - I had used "CampsiteDescription" as I had created a different field in a different exercise called "Description" and understood this to be best practice....but the check function didn't like it.
Kevin Nussbaum 7Kevin Nussbaum 7
I need help...? I am getting this error... on a module,,,Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
All the expected custom fields for the Campsite_Reservation__c object could not be found... I have read and looked up info on the problem however still no luck.. not sure what the problem is.
@kevin nussbaum 7 - I had this same error, but what actually cased the problem was a spelling mistake in the API name of the OTHER object, Campsite.  Not sure if you fixed this already anyway.. 
Matthew Jones 13Matthew Jones 13
Had to update FLS for ALL fields on BOTH Objects 'Campsite' and 'Campsite Reservations' in order to pass this challenge.  Set FLS visible to all.