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encrypted field 'Name' cannot be filtered in a query call


I am in learning mode and novice to SFDC. I encrypted the Name field in contact using Platform Encryption and tested it. After testing it, I removed the encryption but seems the residue is still there. When I query the contact object with Name field in where clause, I am getting the error 'encrypted field 'MailingPostalCode' cannot be filtered in a query call'. I am not able to overcome it. Am I missing something here?

Best Answer chosen by Priyaraj
Lars NielsenLars Nielsen
No, I don't think you are missing something. I've seen this in my dev org before when I was also "exploring the feature". Granted mine was on a custom field but I filed a support ticket and they flipped a bit behind the scenes and fixed it. 

All Answers

Lars NielsenLars Nielsen
No, I don't think you are missing something. I've seen this in my dev org before when I was also "exploring the feature". Granted mine was on a custom field but I filed a support ticket and they flipped a bit behind the scenes and fixed it. 
This was selected as the best answer
Will salesforce supports the dev org issues? Can I also raise a ticket to fix it?
Is that means, if this happens in a real sandbox/production org, we need to go for support?

Lars NielsenLars Nielsen
Typically they DO NOT support dev orgs. I would raise the case anyway because this is more of a potential platform bug (unless they specifiy in the docs you cannot switch back and I missed it). Granted - it may be low on their radar but the sooner they hear about it the better as it could affect other people.
Thanks Lars for your experience answer. I figured a workaround to overcome the issue. Created a new developer edition and associate it with my dev org. It worked & able to proceed further without heart-attacks ;)

Cheers PR
Lars NielsenLars Nielsen
Way cool! Glad to hear it man. Have a great weekend.

Naresh Gunda 7Naresh Gunda 7
you mean, you created a new sandbox to overcome this ?