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Raju I 5Raju I 5 

Error: Compile Error: expecting a semi-colon, found 'for' at line 10 column 19 when i am compering two object in if condition.if both same then it fallow as code

trigger  test on Account (before insert, before update,after insert)
List<Customer_Info_Form__c> lst = new List<Customer_Info_Form__c>();
        for(Account acc :{
             list<Customer_Info_Form__c> con= [ select  Contact_Number__c,Email__c, Customer_Account__r.Name from  Customer_Info_Form__c where
                   //Customer_Info_Form__c con = new Customer_Info_Form__c();
                   for(Customer_Info_Form__c c1 : con)
                        if(Customer_Account__r.Name== acc.Name )
                       c1.Contact_Number__c = acc.PersonMobilePhone;
                         c1.Email__c = acc.CG_Email_ID__c;
                        con.add(lst) ;
        update  lst;
Ravi Dutt SharmaRavi Dutt Sharma
Hey Raju,

Try below code :
trigger  test on Account (before insert, before update,after insert)
List<Customer_Info_Form__c> lst = new List<Customer_Info_Form__c>();
        for(Account acc :{
             list<Customer_Info_Form__c> con= [ select  Contact_Number__c,Email__c, Customer_Account__r.Name from  Customer_Info_Form__c where
                   for(Customer_Info_Form__c c1 : con)
                        if(c1.Customer_Account__r.Name== acc.Name )
                       c1.Contact_Number__c = acc.PersonMobilePhone;
                         c1.Email__c = acc.CG_Email_ID__c;
                        con.add(lst) ;
        update  lst;

Raju I 5Raju I 5
thanks for quick reply but i am getting other error Error: Compile Error: Invalid bind expression type of Account for Id field of SObject Customer_Info_Form__c at line 7 column 9
Raju I 5Raju I 5
i am not getting please clear on trhis
Ravi Dutt SharmaRavi Dutt Sharma
Your query seems to be wrong. will contain account id's, not Customer_Info_Form__c id's.
Raju I 5Raju I 5
now my query is: list con= [ select Contact_Number__c,Email__c, Customer_Account__r.Name from Customer_Info_Form__c where id]; but getting error Error Error: Compile Error: IN operator must be used with an iterable expression at line 8 column 9
Ravi Dutt SharmaRavi Dutt Sharma
Hey Raju,

Please try below code :
trigger  test on Account (before insert, before update,after insert)
List<Customer_Info_Form__c> lst = new List<Customer_Info_Form__c>();

Set<Id> accIdSet = new Set<Id>();
for(Account acc :{

        for(Account acc :{
             List<Customer_Info_Form__c> con= [SELECT Contact_Number__c,Email__c, Customer_Account__r.Name FROM  Customer_Info_Form__c WHERE Id in:accIdSet];
                   for(Customer_Info_Form__c c1 : con)
                        if(c1.Customer_Account__r.Name== acc.Name )
                       c1.Contact_Number__c = acc.PersonMobilePhone;
                         c1.Email__c = acc.CG_Email_ID__c;
                        con.add(lst) ;
        update  lst;