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Pranav Chitrans
Restrict validation for file size and file type while up,loading profile picture
While uploading profile picture via logged in community I want to put a validation check file size should me less than 2 mb ans type should be of JPG/JPEG and so on..I tried but not geeting through it
File to add
File to add
<apex:inputFile value="{!blbImageBody }" id="i_file"/>Button
<apex:commandButton value="Save" styleClass="btn-success" style="margin-right: 5px;" html-data-loading-text="Saving..." action="{!upload}" id="i_submit" onclick="$(this).button('loading')"/>In this line i have to perform one more jquery method that checks the validation.Kindly help me over this issue ASAP.
There is a attribute calles "filesize", you can use this attribute to restrict the filesize.
For more information -
Sumit Kumar Singh
And what about the type of image that it should only accept the extension like jpg/jpeg,jpig and so on
There is one more attribute called "accept". Here you can sprcify the extensions seperated by comma.
Hi Sumit,
I already used all that..But that does not work after saving the data it shows error...I have shared the part of code for that..Kindly addon on that and suggest me.
I tried this.But it have issue.Now addon this... :(