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Bootstrap Table is not displaying records properly in Mobile. Works fine on desktop and Ipad

I have created an search functionality in lightning which fetches records and display it in table format(6 columns).
In iPhone 5,6,6+ this table is displaying only 3-4 columns and I want to show all columns.If I decrease table's font size then in Ipad/Desktop it looks bad. Please guide.

Best Answer chosen by ssheikh
Hey sslodhi87 and Vivek D,

Thanks both of you for your suggestion. I used here $A.util.addClass() to dynamically set css for different devices and it works fine for me.
Have a good day.

All Answers

Hi Shoyab,
Please use datatable jqurey if you are not planning to perform any dml on data.

This will help you

Vivek DVivek D
Hi Shoyab,
Try to use  they are the best alternative for table if the device width is less they automatically converts the table into vertical and if the device with is more they show it in normal way horizontal.
Hey sslodhi87 and Vivek D,

Thanks both of you for your suggestion. I used here $A.util.addClass() to dynamically set css for different devices and it works fine for me.
Have a good day.
This was selected as the best answer