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rahma salesforcerahma salesforce 

storage limit exceeded in developer org

I want to load 20000 accounts and 20000 contacts in my developer org but I get: 
storage limit exceeded error ..
I deleted all the other data present in the org and still have this issue
is there a way to have this amount of data ( 20000 accounts and 20000 contacts) 
in a developer org  please ?
Hi Rahma,

I don't think.. there will be another solution for this.

Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Hi Rahma,

You can check the Storage Usage of your org with below step

Setup--->Data Management-->Storage Usage

NOTE:- if you are using developer org then you can upload only 5MB data only. In that case there is no way to upload

Let us know if this will help you

Susan Harris 6Susan Harris 6
Hi Rahma,

Each Contact record and each Account record will consume 2 KB of data. For 20,000 Accounts plus 20,000 Contacts, that would be 80 MB of data.

To learn more about Salesforce Storage, please check out my blog: How to avoid hitting the data storage limit in your org:
Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47
Hi rahma salesforce,

It occurred when have used your Complete Storage Area of your Org, the Developer Edition Org 5MB around.
you should delete the unnecessary record from your Org and Keep storage in your Org.

You can learn from this :

If you find your Solution then mark this as the best answer.

Thank you!

Suraj Tripathi