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aditya prasadaditya prasad 

How to convert <apex:outputText> value to spanish dynamically.

I have developed a vf page which generates a report in word format. It displays all information related to specific object. I am trying to display some <apex:Outputtext> values in spanish, but actual value on object page layout is in englisg.
How this can be achived ?
<apex:outputText>INTERVENTION</apex:outPutText> should display on the report as INTERVENCIÓN

Thanks for your reply.
sandeep sankhlasandeep sankhla
Hi Aditya,

You can make use of custom label to achieve this.

aditya prasadaditya prasad
Hi Sandep,

If I want to convert only one value and that is also in one report, then I can go with custom label to achieve this.
But if different values will be there, then I have to go for different custom labels which I don't think will be a good idea.
Any thoughts ?
