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Pritam Patil 19Pritam Patil 19 

Lookup Field not getting Auto-Populated


I am using the following approach to auto-populate the fields:

The normal text fields and date fields are getting auto-populated but the lookup fields remain blank. I get the value of the field in the URL but it does not appear.

Shikha AgashiShikha Agashi
Can you please paste your URL here? Which field is not getting populate, please highlight it?
Pritam Patil 19Pritam Patil 19
Following is the URL :

The highlighted text is the 'field Id = field value'. But it is not appearing on the field.

Shikha AgashiShikha Agashi
Hi Pritam,

In highlighted field, you are only populating {!}, you also need to populate ID for lookup. Please insert following highlighted text in your Url
Pritam Patil 19Pritam Patil 19
Hi shikha,
Thank you for your response. Still could not populate the field.
Actually "ABC Education" is a value I am taking from a Master-Detail field from another custom object. So do you think this might me the problem ?.

Following is the code I am using for the custom button:{!Course__c.Name}&CF00N1500000FOXdr_lkid={!Course__c.Id}&00N63000000GoQF={!Course__c.Health_Coach__c}&00N63000000Gp7n={!Course__c.Assistance__c}&00N63000000Gp7i={!Course__c.Start_Date__c}&00N63000000Gp7s={!Course__c.Location_Code__c}&00N63000000Gp82={!Course__c.Location_Name__c}&00N63000000GpG6={!Course__c.Offered_By_Network_Provider__c}&00N63000000GpG6_lkid={!Course__c.Id}&retURL=%2Fa0763000000E51j 

The Offered_By_Network_Provider__c is a field which is in Master-Detail relation with Contact.
