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Joshua MoodyJoshua Moody 

Connecting the ide to developer account Springs 16

I cannot connect my IDE to my developer org.  Here is what I have done:
-verified username
-verified password
-reset token
-verified token in format "passwordtoken"
-verified both are on version 36 via eclipse and WSDL
-turned off all firewall/web protection

Thanks for your help!
WRT : verified token in format "passwordtoken" - does that mean you have entered the combination of these two values in the securitytoken field? You should just use the securitytoken, as you have already specified the password elsewhere.
If you continue to have problems, look at the login history section of your user record in the Salesforce UI - that will tell you what the error is.
v varaprasadv varaprasad
User-added image

Just once set IP ranges like above,  Then No Need to provide security token.Just with user and password IDE will open.