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Abilash kumarAbilash kumar 

how to display lightning components inside a visualforce pageon a salesforce 1 App?

Hi I am using  Lightning components inside a Visualforce page. And I'm trying to display the visualforce page on the sf1 app by creating a action  button. I created a action button, type- custom visualforcepage , and linked it to a Visualforce page that has lightning components.  I have edited the Accounts object page layout. I have added this action button to the salesforce1 and  Lightning Experience Actions section on the accounts  object layout. In the sf1 app, when I click on the button  just now i added to layout, the  visual force page is not correctly displaying the lightning components . I need to set the width and height of this visualforcepage to the view size of the sf1 that the contents are displayed correctly. For now I have used the mobile design templates in my visualforce page     Can anyone let me know how to display the contents of the lightning components with out any errors  in the Visualforce page.? As of now I can't clearly view buttons , labels, fields.