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Chris Lagarde 12
Trailhead profile linked to Salesforce Success profile not showing badges
I've verified and linked my Trailhead profile but the badges are not showing up. Any ideas on what I can check?
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Then varify you account.
NOTE:- After adding you trailhead account and varification you need to click on save button then click on view badges.
If after save still that will not come click on view bages button and click on "Contact the Trailhead Team for Help" link
Also, when I clicked on the "Contact the Trailhead Team for Help", the link took me to the home page for Trailhead. I don't see option to request help for this (beyond this forum).
You can verify your Trailhead profile email by logging into Trailhead, click on the 'My trailhead Profile' link under your name on the top right, and then clicking 'Edit' on the left. Let me know if this helps resolve the issue for you.
Unfortunately, issue still not resolved. Here's a screenshot of my Trailhead account.
3 pictures: 1) My Trailhead account showing my badges
2) My Success account showing my verified Trailhead account
3) When I click on View Badges it states: No items to display
Thanks Sandeep. Here's another screenshot from my Success account
Changing my linked Trailhead account to shows no badges which is understandable since no badges were earned under
Is your Success Community profile showing the Trailhead badges now ? If yes, u can ignore this comment.
I have gone through the same issue while linking my Success Community profile with Trailhead profile. But, let me tell you it's not an actual issue.
When I clicked on 'View Badges' link then I got the same message as no badges to display. But, if u click on 'Save Changes' button and go back to Success community profile and refresh the page. U can see that Trailhead badges are displayed on your success community profile.
Is there a way to have all of my Questions/Answers/Comments/Ideas/etc. recognize I am all one person and merge them together, as well? Right now I have Questions/Answers/Ideas/Comments spread across all three accounts.