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Avital Sapir 20Avital Sapir 20 

How to define formula field that check if value was changed 'from' specific value 'to' specific value?

if flag changed from Red to Yellow/ from Yellow to Green/ from Red to Green, progress is 'better'
if flag changed from Yello to Red/ from Green to Yellow / from Green to Red, progress is 'worst'
if no change from last week, progress is 'no change'

sumit singh 37sumit singh 37

Hi Avital Sapir 20
Their is a Function  ISCHANGED(field)

This function is available only in:
Assignment rules
Validation rules
Field updates
Workflow rules if the evaluation criteria is set to Evaluate the rule when a record is: created, and every time it’s edited.

sumit singh 37sumit singh 37
and also PRIORVALUE(field)
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
What you are trying to accomplish cannot be done with formula fields. However, if you use a custom field and a process, you may be able to do it if you follow these steps
  1. Create a date field named "Last Flag Change", or whatever works for you.
  2. Build the process. Define the object, set it to run when a record is created or edited, and then the first criteria as "Flag", "Is changed", "Boolean", "True". For the Immediate Action, choose the update the record that started this process, skip the criteria, and set it so that Last Flag Change = TODAY() ,and then for the Progress value: CASE(PRIORVALUE(Flag__c),"Red", "better", "Green", "worse", "Yellow", IF(ISPICKVAL(Flag__c, "Green") ,"better" ,"worse" ), null). For one reason or another, when you choose "Is changed", it doesn't let you select a time dependant action, so save this process because we've gotten the info we need. 
  3. Build another process. Set it for the same object as before, trigger it for when a record is created or edited, but this time, allow for recursion in the advanced settings. We need some criteria in the first action set so we can check a box labeled "Do you want to execute the actions only when specified changes are made to the record?", so put Flag = Green, and do that for the rest of the values and click "Any of the conditions are met (OR)". The reason we had to do that was so that we can get a scheduled action. Set the schedule for 7 Days After Last Flag Change. The action needs to update the record that triggered the process and have a criteria of Last Flag change = formula TODAY() - 7, ensuring that the record hasn't been updated again in the last seven days. The new field value for Progress should be set to "no change". Save the process.
  4. Take a deep breath and activate your new processes. Voila! you now have the automation you desired.
If you don't want to mess with two processes, and don't mind not having the "no change" part of your question, then just skip the second process and eliminate the "Last Flag Change" field altogether.

I hope this helps and works, thanks for reading!
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