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Kiruthigha Rajasekaran 10Kiruthigha Rajasekaran 10 

Time Dependent Workflow.

I understand the time dependent action for workflow rule cannot be set when the evaluation criteria is 'created, and every time it's edited'.  But in the documentation it mentions as below. Error in documentation

Am I missing something in this?
sumit singh 37sumit singh 37
yes you cannot add time dependent action for workflow  when the evaluation criteria is 'created, and every time it's edited'
Kiruthigha Rajasekaran 10Kiruthigha Rajasekaran 10
Thanks Sumit.  I agree with you.  But documentation mentions otherwise.  
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
What the document says, is the reasons why you can't add a time trigger are that if the criteria is 'created, and every time it's edited,' It's active, or the rule is no longer active, but still has something on its plate that still needs to be done. So if you have a workflow rule you deactivated that has a time-dependant action (the only thing that would give it a pending action, and also requires a time trigger), and it still has one of those pending actions, you have to wait for it to go away before adding another time trigger, not necessarily another time-dependant action.