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Nicolas VuillamyNicolas Vuillamy 

Import lightning components

Hi ,

I development some "framework reusable" components in a salesforce environment.

I would like to import then in a new environment.

I tried to use Eclipe plugin the following way :
- Source env project: refresh from server . Components are well downloaded.
- Source env projet: Export components as files
- Destination env project: Import components ( from export file): they well appear in the explorer
- Destination env project: Save to server

I always have the same error : unable to save resources: Filepath and/or project can not be null.

I could do hundreds of copy-pastes in the developer console but ... i'm sure there is a 3 clicks way to do that.

Please can you help me ?

Many thanks & best regards

Mohith Kumar ShrivastavaMohith Kumar Shrivastava
You can use ANT tool to import all your components from the one environment and then again use ANT tool to deploy the components

1.Make sure to use the latest Jar from migration tool.

2.Your package XML along with other items should include following for lightning components

Note that this will pull all the AuraDefinationBundle but if you want to be precise you can add ones you need and not use "*"

If you are trying to use eclipse ,use latest IDE for 36.0 version so that it has the ability to pull lightning components .

Michał Zadrużyński 2Michał Zadrużyński 2
You can use HaoIDE plugin for Sublime to deploy single aura bundle (insead of MvensMate).