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Jerome RussJerome Russ 

Lightning Connect - Integrating External Data - Error in Challenge

When I attempt to validate the challenge, I get this error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.ListException: List index out of bounds: 0

I went and looked at the External Data Source data and see this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><feed xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xml:base="" xmlns=""><id></id><title type="text">phones</title><updated>2016-02-27T04:59:09.327Z</updated><link href="phones" rel="self" title="phones"></link><entry><id>'NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4')</id><category scheme="" term="devices.phones"></category><link href="phones('NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4')" rel="edit" title="phones"></link><title></title><updated>2016-02-27T04:59:09.328Z</updated><author><name></name></author><content type="application/xml"><m:properties><d:UUID>NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4</d:UUID><d:Brand>HTC</d:Brand><d:PhoneNumber>555-255-5556</d:PhoneNumber></m:properties></content></entry></feed>

The debug log in Salesforce says that the data should have a UUID of '0000123442' but it is 'NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4' in the OData feed.

The actual SOQL query that gets ran for the validation is: 
SELECT ID, UUID__r.Name FROM Phone__x WHERE UUID__c = '0000123442' LIMIT 1

Without that data feed returning 0000123442, there is no way to pass the challenge.

Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong to not see the correct UUID returned?
Best Answer chosen by Jerome Russ
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. The app should be functioning properly now so please try the challenge again.

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate

All Answers

Saumil DeodharSaumil Deodhar
Let me know if you find the solution. I'm facing the same issue
Dennis LinDennis Lin
I am also facing the same issue
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
I'll take a look at this today and get back with you.

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
Glenn Dailey 1Glenn Dailey 1
I'm having the same issue to i have tried these links to fix the issue!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906F0000000MMCvIAO
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
For some reason the Heroku app is returning the wrong IDs. I'm trying to get this fixed now. I'll update this thread when I get it working correctly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. The app should be functioning properly now so please try the challenge again.

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
This was selected as the best answer
Glenn Dailey 1Glenn Dailey 1
that made it work, Thank you
Jerome RussJerome Russ
Thank you Jeff! The challenge was completed successfully.
Dennis LinDennis Lin
Thanks Jeff, it works now. :)
Saumil DeodharSaumil Deodhar
It's working now. Thanks Jeff ! As always you're the best
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
Glad it's working now. And no.... YOU guys are awesome!

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate