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Neil EvansNeil Evans 

Challenge: Integrating External Data Unable To Complete

I am working on the Lightning Connect Integrating External Data Challenge, Which appears quite easy but either I am missing something or its broken.
I am constantly getting "The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object."
I have the user record set up with the custom field and a user with the 0000123442 value for it.
The UUID is set to  :UUID UUID__c Indirect Lookup(User) UUID
I have created the external Phone__x and phone_plan__x and I can view the data if I create a tab for phone.
Don't know whether it matters for the challenge but the data appears broken/incomplete
There are only 3 records with external id
the first when clicked produces 
Data Not Available
The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our support page.
The second and third seem to work
Not sure if this has anything to do with my problems
Any help greatly appreciated

Best Answer chosen by Neil Evans
Looks like the data at external source is changed. Try adding MDAwMDEyMzQ0Mg== instead of 0000123442 as  Phone_UUID__c value on User record. I was able to pass it then.

All Answers

Same issue..
Looks like the data at external source is changed. Try adding MDAwMDEyMzQ0Mg== instead of 0000123442 as  Phone_UUID__c value on User record. I was able to pass it then.
This was selected as the best answer
Randlow SmithRandlow Smith
I was suffering the same issue, and the recommendation provide by Nitesh above worked for me as well.  Thanks Nitesh!!!
Neil EvansNeil Evans
Thanks Nitesh,
Worked perfectly
Nichole ParkerNichole Parker
When you're asked to change the name of the tables to "Phone" or "Phone Plan" - make sure you're not changing any fields in the "External Connection Detail"

The information in "External Connection Detail" does not need to be changed - changing it will result in the objects losing their rows/columns and not being able to feed in the external data - hence the error message.

Then, use Nitesh's response to change any record for any user to the UUID of MDAwMDEyMzQ0Mg== 

That should allow you to complete the challenge.