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Muhammad Moneeb
Apex Cpu Limit Exceeded
i am working on a trigger in its giving cpu limit exceeded error can anyone help me here is my code
here is class function
trigger OPP_Percentage_Change on Opportunity (after update,after insert) { if(Trigger.isUpdate){ List<Opportunity> OppToPass = new List<Opportunity>(); Map<id,Opportunity> MapToPass = new Map<Id,Opportunity>(); for(Opportunity opp :{ OppToPass.add(opp); } for(Opportunity OppOld: Trigger.Old){ MapToPass.put(OppOld.Id, OppOld); } if(OppToPass.size()>0 && MapToPass.size()>0){ SaleOrderOpportunityTriggersHandler.Opp_Percentage_Change(OppToPass,MapToPass); SaleOrderOpportunityTriggersHandler.OppAmount(OppToPass); } } }
here is class function
public static void Opp_Percentage_Change(List<Opportunity> OppForPercentage,Map<id,Opportunity> OldMap){ Set<Id> OppSet = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,Sales_Order__c> SoToUpdate = new Map<Id,Sales_Order__c>(); Map<Id,Sales_Order__c> mapSo = new Map<Id,Sales_Order__c>(); for (Opportunity opp : OppForPercentage){ OppSet.add(OPP.Id); } for(Sales_Order__c SO : [Select Quote_Odds__c,Quote__c, Requested_Delivery_Date__c, OrderNum__c From Sales_Order__c Where Quote__c IN: OppSet]){ mapSo.put(SO.Quote__c,SO); } for(Opportunity oop : OppForPercentage){ if(oop.Id == Oldmap.get(oop.Id).Id){ if(oop.Probability != OldMap.get(oop.Id).Probability){ mapSo.get(oop.Id).Quote_Odds__c = oop.Probability; SoToUpdate.put(mapso.get(, mapso.get(; } } if(Oop.CloseDate != Oldmap.get(Oop.Id).CloseDate){ mapso.get(oop.Id).Requested_Delivery_Date__c = Oop.CloseDate; SoToUpdate.put(mapso.get(, mapso.get(oop.Id)); } if(Oop.StageName != OldMap.get(oop.Id).StageName){ if(Oop.StageName == 'Closed Lost'){ if(!((mapso.get(oop.Id).OrderNum__c != null) && (mapso.get(oop.Id).OrderNum__c.charAt(0) == 67 || mapso.get(oop.Id).OrderNum__c.charAt(0) ==99))){ mapso.get(oop.Id).OrderNum__c = 'Quote Lost'; SoToUpdate.put(mapso.get(oop.Id).Id,mapso.get(oop.Id)); } } } } Update SoToUpdate.values(); }
this will avoid lot of for loop statements