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Renier F NavasRenier F Navas 

Workflow rule criteria that evaluate if a date field is empty

I have a workflow rule to send an email reminder. I need a rule criteria with a formula that evaluates if a date field is empty or not, in order to send the email. If the field date is empty, send the email.

Using the rule criteria builder, the rule is supposed to run if the formula evaluates to true, but I tried many formulas with no luck. Examples of what I tried are:
c4g_Contact__r.c4g_Primary_Enrollment__r.c4g_Actual_Discharge_Date__c  =  NULL
ISBLANK(  c4g_Contact__r.Primary_Enrollment_Discharged_Date__c   )
ISBLANK(  c4g_Contact__r.Primary_Enrollment_Discharged_Date__c   ) = TRUE

Any idea what I could be missing here? Thanks for any help.

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Deepak GulianDeepak Gulian
Try ISNULL(datefield)
Renier F NavasRenier F Navas
Thanks for the reply Deepak. Can't get it to work. Had tried different alternatives with no luck. 
Michael DsozaMichael Dsoza
Hi Renier,
It looks like you need criteria as If date field is empty or null then you want to send an email.
Try below criteria as,
OR(IsNull(dateField), IsBlank(dateField))

Renier F NavasRenier F Navas
Hey guys- thanks for your replies. I didn't get it to work with the discharged date, and I tried many formulas including your suggestions: /.
However, I was able to  solve it using another  existing field from the contact's object, that is a formula(checkbox) field with a conditional rule based on the discharged date: IF( ISBLANK(c4g_Primary_Enrollment__r.c4g_Actual_Discharge_Date__c), TRUE, FALSE ) 
So, I used this checkbox field to accomplish the same, running this formula that checks if the checkbox is TRUE:
AND (c4g_Contact__r.c4g_Primary_Enrollment_is_Active__c = TRUE, c4g_Contact__r.c4g_Omaha_Home_for_Boys_School_Student__c = TRUE)

Did you ever get this to work?  I need to do someting similiar but my trigger is when a date field is not null.
You can use the function "ISBLANK(Date_Field)" for this purppose.