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louisa barrett 7louisa barrett 7 

Retrieve information from 3rd party application

We currently have a Winforms application that uses a SQL database. I would like to know if it is possible to pull information from the SQL DB and display it within Salesforce.
I don't necessarily expect a full explanation on how to do this, just whether it is possible or not and an idea on the method to use.
It would be great if I could send some Account information etc. from Salesforce to this application, but I appreciate this would depend on third party accepting this. From Salesforce's perspective could this be done using the same methods as the 'Call'?

Many thanks for any advice
Best Answer chosen by louisa barrett 7
Abi V 4Abi V 4
yes it is possible using the external objects in lightining connect.

OData connector  connect the third party data base with salesforce based on the connection .

you would require the URL to make this connection between two systems.

Limitaion will apply on external objects.

Please make as best answer if it is helpful