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Arpita Nayak
trigger.old example
Hi can any one explain this code .If required please simplify the code also.
trigger emailCheck on Employee__c (before update)
Map<Id,Employee__c> o = new Map<Id,Employee__c>();
o = trigger.oldMap;
for(Employee__c n :
Employee__c old = new Employee__c();
old = o.get(n.Id);
if(n.Email__c != old.Email__c)
n.Email__c.addError('Email cannot be changed');
trigger emailCheck on Employee__c (before update)
Map<Id,Employee__c> o = new Map<Id,Employee__c>();
o = trigger.oldMap;
for(Employee__c n :
Employee__c old = new Employee__c();
old = o.get(n.Id);
if(n.Email__c != old.Email__c)
n.Email__c.addError('Email cannot be changed');
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Please check the below code along with comments.
I also simplified the code:
Please do let me know if it helps you.
So, basically, its a trigger that disables users to edit the email.
Let us know if this will help you
Trigger.oldMap A map of IDs to the old versions of the sObject records.Note that this map is only available in update and delete triggers.