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Avinash Ravi
Test class fails to execute
System.NullPointerException: Argument 1 cannot be null
Class.sendEmailtoVolntr.start: line 18, column 1
Main Class:
Test Class:
Don't understand what's going wrong.. please help out.
System.NullPointerException: Argument 1 cannot be null
Class.sendEmailtoVolntr.start: line 18, column 1
Main Class:
global class sendEmailtoVolntr implements schedulable,Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.Stateful { public sendEmailtoVolntr(String c) { } global String Query = null; global sendEmailtoVolntr (){ Query='Select Id,Name,For_Centre__c,For_Date__c,Leap_Centre__c,Leap_Centre__r.Name,Send_Email__c,Short_Description__c,Uploaded_By__c from Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c where Send_Email__c = FALSE and For_Date__c >= TODAY'; } global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ return Database.getQueryLocator(Query); } global void execute(SchedulableContext SC){ sendEmailtoVolntr sendEmail= new sendEmailtoVolntr (); database.executebatch(sendEmail,1); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){ List<Attachment> attachments = new List<Attachment> (); Map<Id,Attachment> attachmentId = new Map<Id,Attachment> (); Set<Id> LeapIds = new Set<Id> (); List<Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c> leapCurrilist = new List<Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c> (); List<Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c> updateLeapList = new List<Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c> (); for(sObject so : scope){ Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c leapCurri= (Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c)so; LeapIds.add(leapcurri.Id); leapCurrilist.add(leapCurri); } attachments = [SELECT Id,ParentId, Name, Body, ContentType FROM Attachment WHERE Parentid IN :LeapIds]; //Assuming that there will be only one attachment for each Leap Curriculum record for(Attachment att : attachments) { attachmentId.put(att.ParentId,att); } attachments.clear(); for(Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c LWC: leapCurrilist) { Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> theEmails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> (); List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment> emailAttachments = new List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment>(); Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); List<String> toAddresses = new List<String> (); String emailErrorReport = null; for(Volunteers__c vol: [Select Email__c from Volunteers__c WHERE Centre_Allocation__c includes(:LWC.Leap_Centre__r.Name)]) toAddresses.add(vol.Email__c); //List<Volunteers__c> volListTeamp = [Select Email__c from Volunteers__c WHERE Centre_Allocation__c includes(:LWC.Leap_Centre__r.Name)]; system.debug(toAddresses); efa.setFileName(attachmentId.get(LWC.Id).Name); efa.setBody(attachmentId.get(LWC.Id).Body); efa.setContentType(attachmentId.get(LWC.Id).ContentType); emailAttachments.add(efa); if(emailAttachments.size() > 0) { email.setToAddresses(toAddresses); email.setSubject('test'); email.setPlainTextBody('For Leap Curriculum : ID - ' + LWC.Id + ' Name - ' + LWC.Name + ' Short Description - ' + LWC.Short_Description__c + '.'); email.setFileAttachments(emailAttachments); theEmails.add(email); } if(theEmails.size() > 0) { Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(theEmails,false); Messaging.SendEmailError[] errors = new List<Messaging.SendEmailError>(); for( Messaging.SendEmailResult currentResult : results ) { errors = currentResult.getErrors(); if( null != errors ) { for( Messaging.SendEmailError currentError : errors ) { emailErrorReport = emailErrorReport + '(' + currentError.getStatusCode() + ')' + currentError.getMessage() + '\r' ; } } } system.debug('error : ' + emailErrorReport); } System.debug('HEAP_SIZE Used:'+ Limits.getHeapSize()); if(emailErrorReport != null){ break; } else { LWC.send_EMail__c = TRUE; updateLeapList.add(LWC); } if(updateLeapList.size()>0) update updateLeapList; if(emailErrorReport != null){ System.abortJob(BC.getJobId()); List<sObject> so = scope; Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c lwcr= (Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c )so[0]; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); String[] toAddresseser = new String[] {''}; mail.setToAddresses(toAddresseser); mail.setSubject('Email Job is aborted'); mail.setPlainTextBody('The send email job is aborted due to Leap Curriculum : '+lwcr.Name+' '+lwcr.Short_Description__c+ ' '+lwcr.Id+ 'Please check the error report and take action accordingly.\n\n\t Error - '+emailErrorReport); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ } }
Test Class:
@isTest public with sharing class Attachmentstest{ public static testmethod void Attachmentstest() { Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c record = new Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c(); Attachment attachment1 = new Attachment(); Leap_Centre__c lcr = new Leap_Centre__c(); lcr.Name = 'Anaikkum Karangal'; lcr.Location__c = 'test location'; lcr.Primary_Representative__c = 'Avinash'; lcr.Primary_Rep_s_Mobile__c = '9176473115'; lcr.Primary_Rep_s_Email__c = ''; insert lcr; record.Short_Description__c = 'test record'; record.For_Centre__c = 'Anaikkum Karangal'; record.For_Date__c = Date.Today() + 1; record.Send_Email__c = FALSE; record.Uploaded_By__c = 'Avinash'; record.Leap_Centre__c = lcr.Id; // Insert the record insert record; system.debug(record); // Insert Attachments; attachment1.Name='Unit Test Attachment'; attachment1.ParentId = record.Id; attachment1.body=Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body'); insert attachment1; String Query='Select Id,Name,For_Centre__c,For_Date__c,Leap_Centre__c,Leap_Centre__r.Name,Send_Email__c,Short_Description__c,Uploaded_By__c from Leap_Weekly_Curriculum__c where Send_Email__c = FALSE and For_Date__c >= TODAY'; Test.startTest(); sendEmailtoVolntr c = new sendEmailtoVolntr(query); Database.executeBatch(c); Test.stopTest(); } }
Don't understand what's going wrong.. please help out.
Try to modify your test class as shown here
sendEmailtoVolntr c = new sendEmailtoVolntr();
Thanks a lot for your elaborate responses. I'm not able to cover lines 109 - 122 on the test class. Not sure how I can bring out an error sending the email to go into that part of code.
Any ideas? Get what I mean?