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shashi kanaparthishashi kanaparthi 

Redirecting users to standard opportunities tab after saving the record

I am tring to redirect users to Opportunity tab after saving the record. Wanted to construct the generic URL instead of hard coding the value, let me know what the generic URL should be so that it wroks in produciton too.
Best Answer chosen by shashi kanaparthi
Lokeswara ReddyLokeswara Reddy
Hi Shashi,
You can frame your URL like
URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + '006/o'

All Answers

Lokeswara ReddyLokeswara Reddy
Hi Shashi,
You can frame your URL like
URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + '006/o'
This was selected as the best answer
shashi kanaparthishashi kanaparthi
Thanks that worked.