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renu anamalla 9renu anamalla 9 

I have Passed in CustomController <apex: inputfield value="{!obj.Name}"/> but not displayed Error coming

Sample code:

Custom Object:Obj__c:

<apex:page controller="obj__c">

<apex:inputField value="{!obj.Name}"/>   // replace here
<apex:inputField value="{!obj.Phone__c}"/>


Mahesh DMahesh D
Hi Renu,

Please paste your VF page and Custom Controller here.

Explain about what kind of error message you got and also use the above panel (< >) to copy the code.

Praveen KHariPraveen KHari
Please check your Field Level security.
If you use apex:inputField it check Field Level security. 

-Praveen K Hari