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Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann 

Google Chrome not supporting TLS 1.1

Recently I tried logging into an Org that had TLS 1.0 disabled without me knowing it. I thought I'd be fine when TLS 1.0 was disabled, but I guess not. I am using Windows 10 as my operating system, and Chrome as my browser. The version of Chrome is Version 49.0.2623.108 m, much higher than the required 37 or 38. Here's a screenshot of the Related security settings:
User-added image
Then here's the error screen:
User-added image
If anyone has even any kind of long shot speculative guess of how or why this is happening (or any suggestions as to how to solve it), I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
Best Answer chosen by Parker Edelmann
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Finally figured it out!

The "Update Java" thingy was bugging me, so I right-clicked it and found "Properties". I was looking for a way to disable the notification (Not a best practice, but it's annoying). I didn't find one, but I saw this:

User-added image

I had uses TLS 1.0 checked by default, so unchecking it did the job perfectly!

All Answers

Tolga SunarTolga Sunar

In Salesforce, navigate to Setup --> Critical Updates

You'll see an option to enable or disable the enforcement of TLS1.1 or higher. See the Critical Updates page screenshot below:

User-added image
Tolga SunarTolga Sunar
FYI, I can't help you if you want to continue with TLS1.1 or higher, but a workaround is there as I described above.
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
@Tolga Sunar,
Thanks for your response, but I am not in charge of the security for the Org, and we would like to continue using TLS 1.1 and higher. I can still use Edge to access the Org, so it's not a big deal, but I do prefer Chrome. As I mentioned, I'm open to any kind of speculations one may have to answer this question, so don't be afraid to post.

Thanks for your time,
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Finally figured it out!

The "Update Java" thingy was bugging me, so I right-clicked it and found "Properties". I was looking for a way to disable the notification (Not a best practice, but it's annoying). I didn't find one, but I saw this:

User-added image

I had uses TLS 1.0 checked by default, so unchecking it did the job perfectly!
This was selected as the best answer