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Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: No feed post was found that linked to the Trailhead URL.
I'm trying to complete the chatter section on Trailhead, and I'm getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
No feed post was found that linked to the Trailhead URL.", and this doesn't make sense because I clearly posted the URL multiple times.
The criteria: Using the standard poll and link Chatter actions, create two posts to engage with the Chatter user community.
Create a poll post. Ask your users to rate their experience with Chatter and ask for feedback in comments.
Create a link post. Share a link with other users to - the best learning tool for Salesforce out there!
No feed post was found that linked to the Trailhead URL.", and this doesn't make sense because I clearly posted the URL multiple times.
The criteria: Using the standard poll and link Chatter actions, create two posts to engage with the Chatter user community.
Create a poll post. Ask your users to rate their experience with Chatter and ask for feedback in comments.
Create a link post. Share a link with other users to - the best learning tool for Salesforce out there!
As a common practice, if your question is answered, please choose 1 best answer.
But you can give every answer a thumb up if that answer is helpful to you.
All Answers
As a common practice, if your question is answered, please choose 1 best answer.
But you can give every answer a thumb up if that answer is helpful to you.
I have an issue too ... getting the same error message but my link post looks correct to me...? Any idea?
I am also facing the same problem.Don't know where I am wrong!
I'm getting an issue with the "Polls Challenge"
- All specified options Copied/Pasted
- Same Account connected (double checked)
Post a link to with the name Trailhead.
Enter the text: Trailhead is the fun way to learn Salesforce.
1. Sign into trailhead playground or free developer edition in chrome. Open chatter tab.
2. Use Chrome Developer tool in same window. Shortcut = ctrl + shift + I.
3. Toggle device toolbar. Shortcut = ctrl + shift + M.
4. To see the salesforce1 app in the mobile frame, go to the URL and change the exsiting URL to *
5. Now you have salesforce1 app in the mobile frame. Go the bottom left. You would see the button: show more...
6. Find the option: Link. If you don't see it, check Mobile & Lightning Actions in Publisher Layout (setup >> Publisher Layout) to find out if Link action is missing from there.
7. Once you click Link action in the mobile screen, you can do the rest as asked by the challenge.
Hope it helps.
Enter / , then add the link . It works .