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Cannot create new apex class

I get an error "Cannot create apex class in an active organization" whenever I try to create one, even though developer mode isn't checked in the user information page. What's going on?
Best Answer chosen by CloudyJosh
You cannot create Apex Classes in a non-developer edition org in production.  You have to create a sandbox [1] and then do your development there.  Then deploy it from your sandbox to production.


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You cannot create Apex Classes in a non-developer edition org in production.  You have to create a sandbox [1] and then do your development there.  Then deploy it from your sandbox to production.

This was selected as the best answer
Thank you!
Do you know why it says pending? Does an email get sent to the user?
It takes it a little while to actually copy the instance over.  Depending on the size of the org and the type of sandbox, this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 weeks.  You should get an email to the address associated with the User that started the sandbox copy when it's complete.
2 weeks... crazy. Hopefully this one isn't too big. Thanks man.
Yeah, we've had full sandbox copies take almost a month before.  But that's for an old and large org and it copies all of the data with it.