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aditya prasadaditya prasad 

How to retain the values on page refresh.?


I have a vf page where I am dynamically rendering opportunity Line Items. There is a limit of 250 line items can be visible at a time. For rest one link is there like next. To select all the records at a time I have created a checkbox, onclick it will select all the records. But it works for 250 records. If there are more than 250 records, then I have to press next link , the page refreshes and checkboxes for new records don't get ticked automatically. Again I have to tick select all checkbox. Same proble occurs also when I press previous link.
How is it possible to select all records at a time and retain the same even page refresshes. Any idea.

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Are you using javacript to tick the checkboxes when header checkbox is checked? If so, pass the header checkbox value to controller and make all the checkboxes tick instead. Remove the javscript code.

I assume the wrapper class structure is something like below:

public class OLIWrapper
          public OpportunityLineItem objOLI {get;set;}
          public Boolean isChecked {get;set;}

Harpreet On CloudHarpreet On Cloud
From the user perspective, Select All is normally for only the visible records and not all. But I would assume this is the understanding of the client to handle it in such a way. So for that, one way it to implement it in Pankaj's way to select all at controller level but with that you will have to reload your page on Select All checkbox so that all individual checkboxes are shown as checked.

Other way is that on click of Select All checkbox, update a property for e.g. "selectAllRecords" in controller too, apart from whatever js code you have.

Based on "selectAllRecords" property in controller when you click Next or Prev link, set the value of the checkbox for the products being loaded. So that way when new Products are loaded, it will load with checkbox set to true. Refer to the OLIWrapper class mentioned by Pankaj_Ganwani for your implementation.

Just curious, how are you handling the use case, where user wants to select only the current 250 records and not all. Or where user filters some products and based on that wants to select all filtered products.
aditya prasadaditya prasad

I have created Selet All checkbox inside <th> basically its a header.
<th id="0" rowspan="2">Selct All<apex:inputCheckbox id="chkbox" value="{!checkBoxValue}" /></th> 
public Boolean checkBoxValue{get;set;}, but it always returns false even it is checked.

If you have any solution for this I can go with Pankaj's solution i.e. will skip JavaScript part.

Thanks for your suggetions.
Harpreet On CloudHarpreet On Cloud
You will not get the value in checkBoxValue till the time your checkbox makes a server call to update value of checkBoxValue.

So you will have to make a call using apex:actionFunction or apex:actionSupport -- Refer to an example here that uses apex:actionFunction - Give special attention to following code in example.
<apex:inputcheckbox onclick="javaScrpt()" id="inptCheckBox"/>
      function javaScrpt(){
<apex:actionFunction name="actionFunName" action="{!ActionFunMethode}" reRender="outputtxtId"/>
aditya prasadaditya prasad
To perform action I have created a button.I only need to tick the checkbox and click on the button to perform. But even though I tick the checkbox, it returns false always.
FYI: If I create same checkbox outside <th> it works fine for me.