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"Create custom objects and custom fields" Challenge

I cannot complete the "Create custom objects and custom fields" Challenge. I am getting this error message: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
All the expected custom fields for the Trail__c object could not be found.

Although I am pretty sure I got the right:
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What am I missing?
Best Answer chosen by Sabina
It worked eventually when I allowed searching for the object.

All Answers

Dutta SouravDutta Sourav
Hi Sabina,
I would recommemnd you to check the spelling of the custom object & it's API and fields that you've created. Make sure they match exactly what is specified in the challenge requirements.

Best of luck!

Warm Regards,
Carlos Campillo GallegoCarlos Campillo Gallego
Hi Sabina,

Apparently all the custom fields are just like the challenge asks... Not sure if this is related or not, but which visibility have you given to those fields when you created them? I have just done the challenge and didn't show any error message... Also, the name field is Text type or auto number?
Hi Sourav,

I checked and they match.
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Matthias ThalMatthias Thal
Hi Sabina,

I could make the challenge on 20.11.2015, here is the Object
User-added image

Please Check the Field Last Inspection Date:
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Carlos Campillo GallegoCarlos Campillo Gallego
Sabina, please take a look to this post:

@Matthias My object & fields are exactly like yours.
@Carlos thanks for the suggestion. I created a new developer edition, activated via email; but when I tried to launch it from the trailhead, I got this message instead You need a Developer Edition org to complete hands-on challenges. You're seeing this message because you're probably trying to connect to a production org instead. 
I'm 100% sure it is a developer edition
It worked eventually when I allowed searching for the object.
This was selected as the best answer
Carlee Eusepi 6Carlee Eusepi 6
@Carlos Camillo Gallego and @Mathias
I am experiencing the same thing.  Here is my image.  Let me know if I've done anything wrong.  

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Any suggestions on what I should do? 
Nicholas MurdockNicholas Murdock
I had the exact same issue, and I believe I found the cause. If you look very closely in the directions on how to create custom objects, you will notice it tells you to "Launch New Custom Tab Wizard" which can only be done when you create the object for the first time. Delete all your work, make sure you select this checkbox and go though the wizard. Redo all your work and it will WORK.
Stefan GarciaStefan Garcia
Hello All, 

I am having the same issue and receiving the same error (i.e. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: All the expected custom fields for the Trail__c object could not be found.). I've read through the insturtions multiple times and the information is entered as directed. Aside from deleting all of my work and starting over - are there any other workarounds? 

Please let me know and thanks in advance for the assistance!
Nicholas MurdockNicholas Murdock

I think there is a bug in the program, or they are just being very strict with following the example. It only took a few minutes to redo the work using the wizard. I believe the test validation is most likely looking for the object to have a tab. Maybe there is a way to add this after but I couldn't see it. I would be curious to know if this also resloves this issue for you. 

Stefan GarciaStefan Garcia
Hello Nick, 

Thank you for the response and apologies on my delay. 

I believe that my fields are hidden because I am still unable to complete the challange. 
  • Question: How do you know if the fields are hidden?
  • Question: How do you make fields visable? 
Just so you know:
  1. I have logged into DE
  2. I deleted and recreated Custom Object (I.E. Trail)
  3. I have recreated the Custom Fields and Relationships (I.E. Description, Distance, and Last Inspection Date)
Below is a screen shot for your reference - please let me know :-)

Screen Shot #1: 
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Screen Shot #2: 
User-added image

Carlos Campillo GallegoCarlos Campillo Gallego
Hi Stefan,

If you click on the field label of any of your custom fields, you will go to a new screen with 3 buttons: Edit, Set Field-Level Security and View Field Accesibility. Click on Set Field-Level Security and you will see if the field is visible and/or Read Only for each profile.

Anyway, keep in mind that Trailhead validation is quite strict and you should follow the instructions step by step (or at least don't forget to do any of the steps)

And regarding the need of having a tab for this object, I can assure you that it is not a requisite as I have not created a tab and didn't have any problem completing the challenge.
