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November DuBose 3November DuBose 3 

Understanding Account and Contact Relationships

I am having trouble with the Contact roles and Account Team assignment. I followed the intructions for adding a contact role to an account and assigning a team account however, it is not working. Can someone please help me
Best Answer chosen by November DuBose 3
You will need to edit the account layout and drag the Contact Roles related list onto the page layout.  You'll have to do the same thing with the Account Team related list after you have enabled Account Teams from setup.

All Answers

What specifically are you having problems doing?  And what is not working?
November DuBose 3November DuBose 3
Hello I apologize for the delayed response. I am having trouble with both creating contact roles and account teams.

In regards to the creating contact roles I am following these steps:
1. Going to Set Up, entering "ontact roles" in quick find box, then clicking on Contact Roles on Accounts
2. Clicking New
3. Entering the name of the person/ contact
4. Clicking save.

In regards to assigning account teams I am:
1. Going to Account tab, selecting an account to view
Now here's where it gets a little tricky because the next step is for me to go to Account Team related list and click on new however, I do not see that option.
You will need to edit the account layout and drag the Contact Roles related list onto the page layout.  You'll have to do the same thing with the Account Team related list after you have enabled Account Teams from setup.
This was selected as the best answer
November DuBose 3November DuBose 3
Thank you. I overlooked that step=)
Great! If you could please choose a "best answer" so that this question can be removed from the unresolved queue and so others may easily find the answer.