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"Manage" button not enabled for Communities in set up(to customise tabs for community users)


The Manage button is not enabled in the All communities set up(Used to customise tabs for community users) . Please find the attached screenshot. I greatly appreciate your help in this.

Thanks in Advance,

Please find the screenshot. Sorry missed it.
James LoghryJames Loghry
This will happen if your profile does not have access to the community. For instance, if you create a community as a Sys Admin, the System Administrator is the only profile by default, as defined in "Administration->Members".

So, talk to your System Administrator to see if they can grant your profile access.  If by whatever reason you were the System Administrator, and removed your own access from that community members list, then you will need to either start the community from scratch or contact Salesforce Support to see if they can help you out through Black Tab access.
There is a way to update membership using API. You can find instructions here: (