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michelle emanuel 59michelle emanuel 59 

Using Basic Logic in Checkbox Formulas: error

I keep getting: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The validation rule does not reference the 'IsClosed' and 'CloseDate' fields correctly. Take a look at the requirements again.

When I test the formula it seems to work as the requirements indicate yet it does not pass the validation from trailhead. Here is the formula: AND( NOT(IsClosed) ,  CloseDate < TODAY() )
It is placed on the CloseDate field.
Vinoth Vijaya BaskerVinoth Vijaya Basker
Hi Michelle, 

Can you please explain the requirement?

michelle emanuel 59michelle emanuel 59
Here is the requirement: The validation rule should fire if IsClosed is not selected and CloseDate is yesterday or earlier

I believe there is a bug in the trailhead based on some other threads i did find.
Valdas StaseviciusValdas Stasevicius
I'm having exactly the same error message when using the same formula.. validations work when used seperately, though..
Marc D BehrMarc D Behr
Same thing here... looks like a Trailhead error! The validation works fine, but the Challenge does not complete
Marc D BehrMarc D Behr
Contacted the developers and they are working on a fix as I type....
Mary Tagler OLDMary Tagler OLD
I have exactly the same problem. I wrote the rule three different ways, validated it and it's still not working. Glad to know I'm not alone.
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
OK.... give it a shot now. We just pushed a fix so keep your fingers crossed. :)

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
Marc D BehrMarc D Behr
Worked like a charm (and thus as intended). Thanks Jeff!
Valdas StaseviciusValdas Stasevicius
I'm really impressed how quickly this was resolved. Thanks and well done!
Sunil Yadav 37Sunil Yadav 37
Try this
NOT( IsClosed ) &&   OR( CloseDate  <  TODAY() )
Thomas HThomas H
Spot on Sunil ... THX