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November DuBose 3November DuBose 3 

Sharing Badges on LinkedIn

When I first started Trailhead whenever I would get a badge it would ask if I wanted to share it on LinkedIn and I would say no. After my 4th badge I decided that I did want to share it on LinkedIn however, when I got my 5th badge it did not ask me.

Is there anyway that I can share my badges on LinkedIn?
Best Answer chosen by November DuBose 3
Atul GuptaAtul Gupta
Hi Novemeber, Are you talking about the "Add to LinkedIn" button ?

If yes, then you can see this button when you complete a unit in Trailhead and show off your badges to the world on your linkedin proflle.
However, you cannot add badges to linkedin which you earned before this functionality came out. See this (

Let me know if there is something I'm missing out. Please attach a screenshot to explain your situation further.

All Answers

Atul GuptaAtul Gupta
Hi Novemeber, Are you talking about the "Add to LinkedIn" button ?

If yes, then you can see this button when you complete a unit in Trailhead and show off your badges to the world on your linkedin proflle.
However, you cannot add badges to linkedin which you earned before this functionality came out. See this (

Let me know if there is something I'm missing out. Please attach a screenshot to explain your situation further.
This was selected as the best answer
November DuBose 3November DuBose 3

I apologize for just now responding. Yes, you answered my question, thank you.